Date: Saturday 25th June 1977
Venue: Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon
Circular to Members
There was considerable enthusiasm for a Jubilee Picnic, and it has been arranged for Saturday, 25th June at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon. This date was preferred about equally to 21st but the musicians could not manage that day, so we have chosen 25th.
The cost of a ticket for champagne drinkers will be £2.75. Some members preferred white wine so a good white burgundy will be available, at an alternative at a ticket cost of £2.25. As this wine is not easily available in half bottles, tickets will have to be sold in pairs. Soft drink tickets are 50p.
We are advised by the licensing authorities in Stratford-upon-Avon that a license is not necessary if the wine is supplied as part of the ticket which is sold in advance. This means two things. Firstly, we must receive payment in advance. Secondly, we will not be able to supply extra wine on the spot so if you feel that half a bottle is insufficient for your needs, you should bring your own reinforcements.
It may be necessary to limit the numbers as we don’t want to be uncomfortably crowded indoors if the weather is bad. Tickets will be sold strictly in order of receipt of application.
Details of how to get to the Shakespeare Institute and where to park will be sent to you with your tickets.
This circular is being sent to all members even if they said that they couldn’t come on 25th June as their plans may have changed.