Since the launch of the Buckland Club’s website, various pieces have been submitted that have remained homeless without their own page. At a recent committee meeting far too much time was consumed deciding upon a potential name for this vehicle. In a lively debate, the choice ‘Charivari’ emerged the winner – this was touted by two of the younger members who will remain anonymous (Hale & London).
So Charivari it will be. In an attempt to drag Bucklanders screaming and kicking into the twenty-first century it seems fitting that we have settled on a noun associated with the now long defunct magazine Punch, also known as the London Charivari, which was first published in 1841. Linguists will be aware of the Old French word chalivali, from where it originates, meaning a noise made from pots and pans. This splendid word is in more common parlance to refer to any loud, cacophonous racket or hubbub.
If you would like to contribute to this section please feel free to communicate any thoughts of a Bucklandish nature via the Contact link.
September 2020